2021年英国大选刺激了SEIS投资增加90%,在1 815家公司中总共增加了1.57亿英镑。 2021 UK general election sparks 90% increase in SEIS investments, totalling £157 million across 1,815 companies.
自7月4日联合王国大选以来,对种子企业投资计划(SEIS)的投资激增,投资人数增加了两倍。 Since the UK's General Election on July 4, investments in the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS) have surged, tripling the number of investors. 造成这一增长的原因是担心潜在的资本增税和该计划的减税优惠,提供高达50%的所得税减免。 This increase is driven by concerns over potential capital gains tax hikes and the scheme's tax relief benefits, offering up to 50% income tax relief. 与去年相比,投资增加了90%,在上一税收年度,在1 815家公司的投资总额达1.57亿英镑。 Investments rose by 90% compared to last year, with a total of £157 million invested across 1,815 companies in the last tax year.