易卜拉欣·帅布 (Ibrahim Shuaibu) 被指控冒充 NNPC 主任并欺诈 N100m,在卡杜纳面临审判。 Ibrahim Shuaibu, accused of posing as NNPC director and defrauding N100m, faces trial in Kaduna.
Ibrahim Shuaibu因假冒尼日利亚国家石油公司(NNPC)董事并诈骗一亿奈尔而被尼日利亚经济和金融犯罪委员会(EFCC)逮捕。 Ibrahim Shuaibu has been arrested by Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for fraudulently impersonating a director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) and swindling N100 million. 面对七项指控,包括冒名顶替和违反信任,据称他承诺提供2 000多公升石油,但在收到付款后没有交付或退还受害者。 Facing seven charges, including impersonation and breach of trust, he allegedly promised to supply over 2,000 liters of petroleum but failed to deliver or refund the victim after receiving payment. 卡杜纳州高级法院正在对他的审判。 His trial is ongoing in Kaduna State High Court.