十三岁的女孩指控叙利亚的继父在希腊强奸她;继父被捕,母亲攻击女孩. 13-year-old girl accuses Syrian stepfather of rape in Greece; stepfather arrested, mother assaults girl.
希腊Heraklion的一名13岁女孩指控她25岁的叙利亚继父强奸她, A 13-year-old girl in Heraklion, Greece, accused her 25-year-old Syrian stepfather of raping her, shocking police with her detailed account. 嫌疑人被捕,女孩的母亲据称殴打并威胁她。 The suspect was arrested, while the girl's mother allegedly assaulted and threatened her. Heraklion检察官暂时将另外两名未成年兄弟姐妹从家中带走,随着调查的继续,将他们安置在亲属身边。 The Heraklion prosecutor has temporarily removed two other minor siblings from the household, placing them with relatives as the investigation continues.