67 岁的 April Chartrand,被指控在 Terry Williams 家附近进行种族冒犯行为,被旧金山警方通缉;链接到 fire unclear。 67-year-old April Chartrand, accused of racially offensive acts near Terry Williams' home, sought by SF police; link to fire unclear.
旧金山警察局正在寻找67岁的April Martin Chartrand, 被控将种族攻击物品留在狗行走者Terry Williams的家门外。 The San Francisco Police Department is seeking 67-year-old April Martin Chartrand, accused of leaving racially offensive items outside the home of dog walker Terry Williams. 自 8 月 23 日以来一直失踪的 Chartrand 因涉嫌犯下仇恨犯罪而被通缉,包括留下一个带有绞索的娃娃。 Chartrand, who has been missing since August 23, is wanted for allegedly committing hate crimes, including leaving a doll with a noose. 后来在威廉斯家发生火灾,但其原因仍不清楚。 A fire later occurred at Williams' home, but its cause remains unclear. 警方敦促任何有情报的人与他们联系。 Police urge anyone with information to contact them.