墨西哥当局逮捕毒品卡特尔领袖Gildardo Lopez Astudillo(别名El Gil), 与2014年伊瓜拉43名大学生失踪有关。 Mexican authorities arrest drug cartel leader Gildardo Lopez Astudillo, alias "El Gil," linked to 2014 disappearance of 43 college students in Iguala.
墨西哥当局逮捕了别名“El Gil”的吉尔达多·洛佩兹·阿斯图迪洛 (Gildardo Lopez Astudillo),他是一名涉嫌贩毒集团头目,与 2014 年伊瓜拉 43 名大学生失踪有关。 Mexican authorities have arrested Gildardo Lopez Astudillo, alias "El Gil," a suspected drug cartel leader connected to the 2014 disappearance of 43 college students in Iguala. Astudillo以前因法律问题于2015年入狱,2019年获释,现在面临有组织犯罪指控。 Astudillo, previously jailed in 2015 and released in 2019 due to legal issues, faces charges of organized crime. 他被捕时正值为纪念学生失踪周年纪念示威做准备, 真相委员会称此为「国家犯罪」。 His arrest coincides with preparations for demonstrations marking the anniversary of the students' disappearance, which a truth commission labeled a "state crime."