男子被指控在体操冠军卡拉·威尔士的死亡事件中谋杀. Man charged with homicide in gymnastics champion Kara Welsh's death following an altercation.
一名男子被指控谋杀 杀害体操冠军卡拉·威尔斯 A man has been charged with homicide in the death of gymnastics champion Kara Welsh. 在被确认为理查兹的嫌疑人拨打 911 后,当局发现威尔士死亡,声称她在争吵中拿走了他的枪。 Authorities found Welsh deceased after the suspect, identified as Richards, called 911, claiming she had taken his gun during an argument. Richards说,他拿回枪,向威尔斯开枪,声称他担心自己的生命。 Richards stated he took the gun back and shot Welsh, asserting he feared for his life. 指控源自导致她死亡的争吵。 The charges stem from the altercation that led to her death.