9 月 7 日,新南威尔士州马瑟尔布鲁克发生 4.5 级地震,悉尼有震感;没有受伤,轻微停电。 4.5-magnitude earthquake strikes Muswellbrook, NSW, on Sep 7, felt in Sydney; no injuries, minor power outages.
据悉, 澳大利亚首都悉尼9月7日发生4.5级地震, 地震深度为5公里. A 4.5-magnitude earthquake struck near Muswellbrook, New South Wales, on September 7, at a depth of 5 km, and was felt in Sydney. 地震造成近2 748处财产停电,但没有造成人员伤亡或重大损坏。 The quake caused power outages for nearly 2,748 properties but resulted in no injuries or significant damage. 自8月底以来,继一系列震动之后,澳大利亚地球科学组织部署了监测系统来研究地震活动,地震活动可能受到当地煤矿开采作业的影响。 Following a series of tremors since late August, Geoscience Australia has deployed monitoring systems to study the seismic activity, which may be influenced by local coal mining operations.