3名儿童和1名成人在丹麦图书馆化学演示爆炸中受伤。 3 children and 1 adult injured in a chemistry demonstration explosion at a Danish library.
周六,丹麦一家图书馆的化学演示期间发生爆炸,造成三名儿童和一名成人受伤。 An explosion during a chemistry demonstration at a library in Denmark injured three children and one adult on Saturday. 一名领导实验的22岁大学生受重伤,但没有生命危险。 A 22-year-old university student leading the experiment sustained serious injuries but is not in life-threatening condition. 虽然两名儿童受轻伤,但一名儿童不需要住院治疗。 While two children suffered minor injuries, one did not need hospitalization. 原因不明,但没有危险化学品存在。 The cause is unclear, but no dangerous chemicals were present. 大约40人参加了Aalborg大学举办的活动。 About 40 people attended the event organized by Aalborg University.