由于网站错误, 已有2万名蓝十字蓝盾客户被错误地归类为UCHealth的网络用户. 20,000 Anthem BlueCross BlueShield customers misclassified as in-network for UCHealth due to a website error.
Connect for Health Colorado 网站上的一个错误将 UCHealth 错误地归类为 Anthem BlueCross BlueShield 计划的网络内,影响了 20,000 名客户。 A mistake on the Connect for Health Colorado website misclassified UCHealth as in-network for Anthem BlueCross BlueShield plans, affecting 20,000 customers. 参加 Pathway Essentials 计划(不包括 UCHealth)的客户在他们的承保范围方面被误导了。 Customers enrolled in the Pathway Essentials plan, which does not include UCHealth, were misled about their coverage. Anthem 将错误归因于计算机故障,此后为受影响的个人开放了更改计划的注册期,以解决潜在的自付费用医疗保健问题。 Anthem attributed the error to a computer glitch and has since opened an enrollment period for affected individuals to switch plans, addressing potential out-of-pocket costs for medical care.