西雅图交响曲任命张贤为2025至26季第一位女性和彩色音乐导演。 Seattle Symphony appoints Xian Zhang as first woman and person of color music director for 2025-26 season.
西雅图交响乐的新音乐导演张贤自2025至26季起被任命为新音乐导演。 Xian Zhang has been appointed as the Seattle Symphony's new music director, starting in the 2025-26 season. 她将成为第一位领导管弦乐队的女性,也是第一位有色人种,标志着其121年历史中的历史时刻。 She will be the first woman and first person of color to lead the orchestra, marking a historic moment in its 121-year history. 张先生现任新泽西交响乐团音乐总监,旨在通过创新的节目编排,让更广泛的受众参与。 Zhang, currently music director of the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, aims to engage a broader audience through innovative programming. 她的任命是在托马斯·道斯加尔德于2022年辞职后作出的,反映了对领导层多样性的承诺。 Her appointment follows the resignation of Thomas Dausgaard in 2022 and reflects a commitment to diversity in leadership.