隐私研究者对加拿大警方无人驾驶飞机的使用缺乏监督表示关切,主张重新审查。 Privacy researcher raises concerns about lack of oversight in Canadian police drone usage, advocating for renewed scrutiny.
麦克马斯特大学的隐私研究员Brenda McPhail对加拿大警方无人驾驶飞机的使用缺乏监督表示关切。 Brenda McPhail, a privacy researcher at McMaster University, has raised concerns about the lack of oversight regarding police drone usage in Canada. 温哥华警方已部署无人机追踪一名暴力袭击嫌疑人. Her comments follow the Vancouver Police's deployment of drones to locate a suspect in violent attacks. McPhail指出,虽然已公布了成功的用途,但失败往往仍然隐藏着。 McPhail notes that while successful uses are publicized, failures often remain hidden. 她主张重新审查警察无人驾驶飞机方案,指出技术的进步,包括潜在的面部识别能力。 She advocates for renewed scrutiny of police drone programs, citing advancements in technology, including potential facial recognition capabilities.