6 宾夕法尼亚州宪法修正案由于众议院和参议院之间的政治分歧不可能取得进展;最早于2027年提交选民。 6 Pennsylvania Constitution amendments unlikely to advance due to political divide between House and Senate; earliest voter presentation in 2027.
宾夕法尼亚州宪法的六项拟议修正案,包括延长儿童性虐待幸存者的诉讼时效和确定选民身份证要求,由于州议会和参议院之间的政治分歧,不可能取得进展。 Six proposed amendments to Pennsylvania's Constitution, including extending the statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse survivors and establishing voter ID requirements, are unlikely to advance due to the political divide between the state's House and Senate. 修正案需要两党合作,这阻碍了进展,最早可以提交选民的是2027年。 The amendments require bipartisan cooperation, which has stalled progress, and the earliest they could be presented to voters is 2027.