宾夕法尼亚州AG的办公室 将对Cheryl Yewdall喉咙擦拭的头发 进行DNA检测 以确定她的死因是意外死亡还是谋杀 Pennsylvania AG's office will conduct DNA testing on a hair found on a wipe from Cheryl Yewdall's throat to determine if her death was accidental or a homicide.
宾夕法尼亚州检察长办公室将对Cheryl Yewdall喉咙擦掉的擦拭上发现的头发进行DNA检测。 The Pennsylvania Attorney General's office will conduct DNA testing on a hair found on a wipe removed from Cheryl Yewdall's throat. 2022年1月,住在护理院并患有发育残疾的Yewdall死亡,死因不明。 Yewdall, who lived in a care home and had developmental disabilities, died in January 2022, with the cause of death undetermined. 调查是在家人发现头发后继续进行的,目的是澄清她的死亡是意外死亡还是谋杀。 The investigation, renewed after the family found the hair, aims to clarify if her death was accidental or a homicide. 养老院经营者 Merakey 否认有不当行为,并定于明年进行过失致死审判。 Care home operator Merakey denies wrongdoing, and a wrongful death trial is set for next year.