低密西西比河水位导致驳船倒下,有航运延误的风险,并影响美国谷物出口竞争力。 Low Mississippi River water levels cause barges to ground, risking shipping delays and affecting US grain export competitiveness.
密西西比河的低水位导致多艘驳船搁浅,特别是在格林维尔-维克斯堡地区,因为美国谷物出口季节已经开始。 Low water levels on the Mississippi River have caused multiple barges to run aground, particularly in the Greenville-Vicksburg area, as the U.S. grain export season begins. 美国海岸警卫队已经报告了这些事件, 美国商业船只线警告一到两天的运输延误. The U.S. Coast Guard has reported these incidents, and American Commercial Barge Line warns of one to two day shipment delays. 孟菲斯的水位预计将进一步下降, 引发对海外买家成本增加以及美国在全球谷物市场的竞争力的担忧. The Memphis water level is forecast to decline further, raising concerns about increased costs for overseas buyers and the U.S.'s competitiveness in the global grain market.