Netflix的目标是通过绿色生产做法,到2030年将碳排放量减少一半。 Netflix aims to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 through greener production practices.
Netflix的目标是通过使用太阳能拖车和氢气装置等更绿色的生产做法,到2030年将其碳排放量减半。 Netflix is aiming to cut its carbon emissions in half by 2030 through greener production practices, such as using solar-powered trailers and hydrogen units. 然而,与2019年相比,2022年的排放量上升,部分原因是好莱坞罢工。 However, emissions rose in 2022 compared to 2019, partly due to Hollywood strikes. 该公司侧重于激励供应商采用低排放技术,认识到在可持续性目标与积极增加收入和创造性优先事项之间取得平衡的挑战。 The company focuses on incentivizing suppliers to adopt low-emission technologies, recognizing the challenge of balancing sustainability goals with aggressive revenue growth and creative priorities.