日本实际工资在7月增长了0.4%, Japan's real wages increased by 0.4% in July, marking the second consecutive month of growth.
日本实际工资在7月增长了0.4%, Japan's real wages increased by 0.4% in July, marking the second consecutive month of growth, driven by summer bonuses. 在6月上升1.1%,27个月后下降。 This follows a 1.1% rise in June, ending a 27-month decline. 名义工资增长了3.6%,达到403 490日元(2 800美元),特别现金收入增长了6.2%。 Nominal wages rose 3.6% to 403,490 yen ($2,800), with special cash earnings up 6.2%. 除奖金外,平均工资增长2.7%,是31年来增幅最大的,而加班费略有下降。 Excluding bonuses, average wages grew 2.7%, the largest increase in over 31 years, while overtime pay dipped slightly.