希思罗机场与米尔克集体合作,在5号航站楼的伦敦时装周期间探寻模特. Heathrow Airport partners with MiLK Collective to scout models during London Fashion Week in Terminal 5.
Heathrow机场与MiLK集体合作,在伦敦时装周期间寻找有抱负的模特,在5号航站楼有一个时装跑道。 Heathrow Airport has partnered with The MiLK Collective to scout aspiring models during London Fashion Week, featuring a fashion runway in Terminal 5. 可以发现乘客并提供合同,第一场演出于 9 月 1 日举行,下一场演出于 9 月 13 日举行。 Passengers can be discovered and offered contracts, with the first show held on September 1 and the next on September 13. 这一举措遵循了在机场模拟发现的趋势,目的是在时装行业展示各种人才。 This initiative follows a trend of modeling discoveries at airports, aiming to showcase diverse talent in the fashion industry.