中国的月球研究站倡议扩大了国际伙伴关系,与塞内加尔空间局签署了一项协定,与10个机构签署了备忘录。 China's lunar research station initiative expands international partnerships, signing an agreement with Senegal's space agency and memoranda with 10 institutions.
中国的月球研究站倡议扩大了国际伙伴关系,与塞内加尔空间局签署了一项协定,并与塞尔维亚、瑞士和阿联酋等10个国家的10个机构签署了备忘录。 China's lunar research station initiative has expanded its international partnerships, signing an agreement with Senegal's space agency and memoranda with 10 institutions from countries like Serbia, Switzerland, and the UAE. 国际月球研究站(月球研究站)的目标是在月球上建立一个科学设施,到2035年在月球南极建立一个基本模型。 The International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) aims to create a scientific facility on the moon, with a basic model expected by 2035 in the lunar south pole. 该项目侧重于长期机器人操作和有限的人员参与。 The project focuses on long-term robotic operations and limited human involvement.