32岁的男子在萨斯卡通被捕,罪名是鲁莽开枪,调查了无关的开车射击事件。 32-year-old man arrested in Saskatoon for reckless gunfire, unrelated drive-by shooting investigated.
在Saskatoon,一名32岁的男子在星期五发生枪击事件后被捕,其中两人对峙,一人拿着一把刀。 A 32-year-old man in Saskatoon was arrested following a gunfire incident on Friday involving a confrontation between two men, one wielding a knife. 此人因鲁莽地使用火器而面临指控,以及与火器有关的其他罪行。 The man faces charges for discharging a firearm recklessly, among other firearm-related offenses. 这一事件开始时,据报一名妇女用枪指着一名妇女。 This incident began with a report of a woman pointing a gun. 警方还调查了第二天发生的另一起驾驶枪击事件,造成一名男子受伤。 Police also investigate a separate drive-by shooting that occurred the following day, which left a man injured. 该案没有逮捕任何人。 No arrests have been made in that case.