克赖斯特彻奇警方正在调查 斯普雷登郊区一名无反应人员的死亡案 Police in Christchurch are investigating an unresponsive person's death in Spreydon suburb.
新西兰克赖斯特彻奇警方正在调查斯普雷登郊区的一起死亡事件。 Police in Christchurch, New Zealand, are investigating a death in the Spreydon suburb. 紧急服务处回应了一名无反应人员在下午2: 30左右在巴林顿街的一处房产上的报告。 Emergency services responded to reports of an unresponsive person at a property on Barrington Street around 2:30 pm. 尽管得到了医疗援助,但此人没有存活下来。 Despite medical assistance, the individual did not survive. 当局正处于调查的早期阶段,尚未确认儿童有任何参与。 Authorities are in the early stages of the investigation and have not confirmed any involvement of a child.