马来西亚检方撤销对Lokman Noor Adam的上诉, Malaysian prosecution drops appeal against Lokman Noor Adam, acquitted of false news charges.
马来西亚检方已撤回对巫统最高理事会成员 Lokman Noor Adam 的上诉,他被判无罪,罪名是传播有关警官因接种疫苗而死亡的虚假消息。 The Malaysian prosecution has withdrawn its appeal against Lokman Noor Adam, an Umno supreme council member, who was acquitted of charges related to spreading false news about a police officer's death from vaccination. 9月4日宣布的这项决定确保Lokman不会受到进一步的法律影响。 This decision, announced on September 4, ensures Lokman remains free from further legal repercussions. 他最初于2021年6月23日被宣告无罪,因为检方未能证明对他提出了起诉。 He was initially acquitted on June 23, 2021, after the prosecution failed to establish a case against him.