34岁的Ryder M. Ott因在威斯康星州La Crosse发生无生命威胁的枪击事件后企图杀人和持有火器而被捕。 34-year-old Ryder M. Ott was arrested for attempted homicide and firearm possession after a non-life-threatening shooting in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Ryder M. Ott, 34岁,9月1日在威斯康星州La Crosse发生枪击事件后,因企图一级故意杀人和持有火器而被捕。 Ryder M. Ott, 34, was arrested for attempted first-degree intentional homicide and possession of a firearm by a felon following a shooting in La Crosse, Wisconsin, on September 1. 事件起因是涉及三人的争吵,导致一人住院,伤势不致命。 The incident stemmed from an altercation involving three individuals, resulting in one person being hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 拉克罗斯警方认为此事件是孤立的, 并证实对社区没有持续的威胁. La Crosse Police deemed the event isolated and confirmed no ongoing threat to the community. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.