8.7%的美国人搬迁到历史最低点,原因是住房费用高和工作偏远。 8.7% of Americans relocate at a historic low due to high housing costs and remote work.
美国人搬迁的百分比已降至历史最低点,为8.7%,这主要是由于住房费用高昂。 The percentage of Americans relocating has dropped to a historic low of 8.7%, largely due to high housing costs. 许多潜在的搬运工在支付首期付款和维持费方面挣扎不已,而房主即使在缩编后仍面临大笔抵押贷款付款。 Many potential movers struggle with down payments and maintenance expenses, while homeowners face significant mortgage payments even after downsizing. 第一次购买者往往发现租金比较便宜。 First-time buyers often find renting more affordable. 促成因素包括远距离工作、老龄化人口和双收入家庭。 Contributing factors include remote work, an aging population, and dual-income households. 专家认为,将利率降至6%以下可刺激市场活动。 Experts suggest that a drop in interest rates below 6% could stimulate market activity.