Vanarama建议在客座上放一碗水,以审慎驾驶和提高燃料效率。 Vanarama recommends placing a bowl of water on the passenger seat for mindful driving and fuel efficiency.
Vanarama建议司机在乘客座位上放一碗水,以鼓励谨慎驾驶和提高燃料效率。 Vanarama suggests that drivers place a bowl of water on the passenger seat to encourage mindful driving and fuel efficiency. 这种视觉提醒可以促进慢速加速和制动,最大限度地减少能源浪费和燃料消耗。 This visual reminder prompts gentle acceleration and braking, minimizing energy waste and fuel consumption. 随着汽油价格每升平均上涨1.51英镑,这一办法可以帮助汽车司机节省资金,特别是如果在即将到来的10月预算中增加燃料税的话。 With rising petrol prices averaging £1.51 per liter, this approach could help motorists save money, especially if fuel duty increases in the upcoming October Budget.