TRENDS研究和咨询组织参加了在北京举行的阿联酋-中国智囊团论坛,重点是加强联系、贸易和文化联系。 TRENDS Research & Advisory attends UAE-China Think Tanks Forum in Beijing, focusing on enhancing ties, trade, and cultural connections.
TRENDS研究和咨询处出席了由阿联酋大使馆在北京组织的阿联酋-中国智囊团首次论坛。 TRENDS Research & Advisory attended the inaugural UAE-China Think Tanks Forum in Beijing, organized by the UAE Embassy. 活动重点是阿联酋和中国之间的历史和经济联系,以及智囊团在促进对话方面的作用。 The event focused on the historical and economic ties between the UAE and China, and the role of think tanks in fostering dialogue. 研究人员讨论了贸易、中国经济复苏和教育举措,倡导建立数字平台,加强两国之间的文化联系。 Researchers discussed trade, China's economic recovery, and educational initiatives, advocating for digital platforms to enhance cultural connections between the two nations. TRENDS还开设了一个北京办事处,以促进协作。 TRENDS also opened a Beijing office to boost collaboration.