天主教佩特森教区起诉美国政府, 指控宗教工作者的绿卡积压。 The Catholic Diocese of Paterson sues US government over green card backlog for religious workers.
新泽西州佩特森天主教教区已对美国政府提起诉讼, 声称最近宗教工作者绿卡处理方式的改变危及外国出生的牧师的地位。 The Catholic Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government, claiming that recent changes in green card processing for religious workers jeopardize the status of foreign-born priests. 该教区和5名牧师面临即将到期的法律地位,他们争辩说,新程序造成积压超过3.5年,可能延长到10至15年。 The diocese and five priests, facing expiring legal status, argue that the new procedures have created a backlog exceeding 3.5 years, potentially extending to 10-15 years. 该诉讼寻求行政变革,以保护其牧师和为社区服务的能力。 The lawsuit seeks administrative changes to protect their ability to minister and serve their communities.