一名男子在俄克拉荷马州克拉雷莫尔被致命枪杀;嫌疑人被捕,调查仍在进行。 A man was fatally shot in Claremore, Oklahoma; suspect apprehended, investigation ongoing.
据克莱尔莫尔警察局称,周日在俄克拉荷马州克莱尔莫尔的杜邦街 1500 街区,一名男子被枪杀。 A man was fatally shot on Sunday in Claremore, Oklahoma, in the 1500 block of DuPont Street, according to the Claremore Police Department. 一名嫌疑人已被逮捕并被拘留。 A suspect has been apprehended and is in custody. 调查正在进行中,没有公布任何进一步细节,包括所涉人员的身份。 The investigation is ongoing, and no further details, including the identities of those involved, have been released. 当局向社区保证,不存在持续的威胁。 Authorities have assured the community that there is no ongoing threat. 将在获得更多资料后提供最新情况。 Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.