美国第一位太空教师克里斯塔·麦克奥利夫的8英尺铜像在新罕布什尔州立大揭幕. 8-foot bronze statue of Christa McAuliffe, first American teacher in space, unveiled at New Hampshire Statehouse.
克里斯塔·麦考利夫 (Christa McAuliffe) 是第一位被选为太空教师的美国教师,她在康科德的新罕布什尔州议会大厦 (Statehouse) 被授予了一座 8 英尺高的铜像,她在那里任教。 Christa McAuliffe, the first American teacher selected for space, has been honored with an 8-foot bronze statue at New Hampshire's Statehouse in Concord, where she taught. 麦考利夫在1986年挑战者的灾难中不幸死亡 McAuliffe tragically died in the 1986 Challenger disaster. 这个雕像被认为是她的第一个完全相似的雕像,目的是激励后代,纪念她在教育方面的遗产。 This statue, believed to be the first full likeness of her, aims to inspire future generations and commemorates her legacy in education. McAuliffe的教训继续通过美国航天局的“损失教训”项目分享。 McAuliffe's lessons continue to be shared through NASA's "Lost Lessons" project.