克里姆林宫认为卡玛拉·哈里斯比特朗普更可预测的对手, 但预计美俄关系不会有任何改善. Kremlin perceives Kamala Harris as a more predictable opponent than Trump, but expects no U.S.-Russia improvement.
克里姆林宫发言人Dmitry Peskov指出, 俄罗斯认为民主党总统候选人Kamala Harris比Donald Trump更能预测对手。 Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia perceives Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris as a more predictable opponent than Donald Trump. 然而,他强调,无论谁赢得选举,美国与俄罗斯的关系都不会改善。 However, he emphasized that U.S.-Russia relations will not improve regardless of who wins the election. Peskov驳回了Trump关于他可以在24小时内解决乌克兰战争的说法, Peskov dismissed Trump's claim that he could resolve the Ukraine war in 24 hours, calling it "fantasy," and asserted that there is no quick fix for the ongoing conflict.