95岁的加勒比政治家和前英联邦秘书长Shridath Ramphal爵士去世。 95-year-old Caribbean statesman and former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, Sir Shridath Ramphal, passed away.
95岁的Shridath Ramphal爵士是著名的加勒比政治家、人权倡导者和前英联邦秘书长,他已经去世。 95-year-old Sir Shridath Ramphal, a prominent Caribbean statesman, human rights advocate, and former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, has passed away. 他生于圭亚那,担任各种有影响力的职务,包括西印度群岛联邦助理总检察长、圭亚那司法和外交部长以及英联邦秘书长。 Born in Guyana, he held various influential positions, including Assistant Attorney-General of the West Indies Federation, Minister of Justice and Foreign Affairs of Guyana, and Secretary-General of the Commonwealth. 他的遗产因其反对种族隔离和区域一体化的工作而闻名,将继续激励子孙后代。 Known for his work against apartheid and regional integration, his legacy will continue to inspire future generations.