新奥尔良官员建议将卡特里娜飓风周年纪念定为正式国庆。 New Orleans officials propose making Hurricane Katrina's anniversary an official state holiday.
新奥尔良官员, 包括州议员阿隆佐·诺克斯, 建议将卡特里娜风周年纪念日作为官方的州假日, New Orleans officials, including State Rep. Alonzo Knox, propose making Hurricane Katrina's anniversary an official state holiday to commemorate the storm's impact and progress. 这一举措旨在解决创伤、未完成的修复、恢复资金差异和返回城市居民的复原力问题。 This initiative aims to address trauma, unfinished repairs, recovery funds disparities, and the resilience of residents who returned to the city. Alonzo Knox州立共和国计划提交立法,以建立这一节日。 State Rep. Alonzo Knox plans to file legislation to create this holiday.