吉尔吉斯斯坦启动了7个能源基础设施项目,耗资超过1 190万美元,以纪念该区域100周年,促进国内能源生产。 Kyrgyzstan inaugurated 7 energy infrastructure projects, costing over $11.9m, to mark the region centenary and boost domestic energy production.
吉尔吉斯斯坦启动了7个能源基础设施项目,以纪念卡拉-吉尔吉斯自治区成立100周年,其中包括Kambar-Ata HPP-1隧道、苏扎克能源供应公司行政大楼翻修、水泥生产厂、煤矿和小型水电站。 Kyrgyzstan inaugurated 7 energy infrastructure projects to mark the centenary of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region, including a tunnel for the Kambar-Ata HPP-1, renovation of Suzak energy supply company's admin building, a concrete production plant, coal mines, and small hydropower plants. 这些项目的总费用超过1 190万美元,目的是促进国内能源生产和创造就业机会。 These projects, with a combined cost of over $11.9m, aim to boost domestic energy production and create jobs. 在庆祝活动结束时,吉尔吉斯斯坦计划再委托100个工业和社会项目。 By the end of the celebration, Kyrgyzstan plans to commission 100 more industrial and social projects.