爱尔兰法官命令儿童与离散的父母团聚,为学校做准备,尽管有保护令。 Irish judge orders child to reunite with estranged parents for school preparation, despite protection orders.
爱尔兰家庭法法院的一名法官裁定,儿童应与其离散的父母团聚,为第一天上学做准备。 A Family Law Court judge in Ireland ruled that a child should be reunited with his estranged parents to prepare for his first day of school. 在据称发生了一起刀子事件之后,父母获得针对对方的保护令。 The parents obtained protection orders against each other following an alleged knife incident. 裁判官授予了生产命令, 让孩子在学校开学前与母亲团聚, 并指示他返回她的家, The judge granted a production order for the child to be reunited with his mother before school starts and directed he return to her home for school-related purposes. 父亲也可以到场参加孩子入学的介绍。 The father can also be present for the child's introduction to school. 保护令案件将于10月份审理。 Protection order cases will be heard in October.