田纳西州查塔努加州社区学院由于一名持枪者提出付款要求的可信威胁而遭到封锁;没有发现任何威胁。 Chattanooga State Community College in Tennessee went on lockdown due to a credible threat of a gunman demanding payment; no threat found.
田纳西州查塔努加州社区学院由于一个可信的威胁,于最近星期四上午被封锁。 Chattanooga State Community College in Tennessee went on lockdown on a recent Thursday morning due to a credible threat. 造成封锁的原因是多次打电话报告校园内一名潜在的枪手,他要求付款,并威胁说,如果没有收到付款,会伤害学生。 The lockdown was prompted by multiple calls reporting a potential gunman on campus who demanded payment and threatened to harm students if payment wasn't received. 执法机构,包括查塔努加警察局和汉密尔顿县紧急情况管理办公室对现场作出反应。 Law enforcement agencies, including Chattanooga Police Department and Hamilton County Office of Emergency Management, responded to the scene. 尽管进行了广泛的搜索努力,但校园内没有发现可信的威胁或嫌疑人。 Despite extensive search efforts, no credible threat or suspects were found on campus. 后来该学院宣布校园安全,当天取消上课,并为受事件影响的学生提供咨询。 The college later declared the campus safe, cancelled classes for the day, and offered counseling for students impacted by the incident.