华盛顿特区25岁的警察韦恩·戴维在追捕中意外自杀. 25-year DC police officer Wayne David dies in accidental self-inflicted gunshot during pursuit recovery.
拥有 25 年经验的华盛顿特区资深警官韦恩·大卫 (Wayne David) 在警方追捕期间试图从雨水渠中取回武器时,意外地死于自残枪伤。 25-year veteran DC police officer Wayne David died in an accidental self-inflicted gunshot wound while attempting to recover a weapon from a storm drain during a police pursuit. 嫌疑人曾将枪扔进下水道,当时他在摩托车后背逃离现场,但警察局仍在追捕该嫌疑人。 The suspect, who had previously ditched the gun into the storm drain as he fled from the scene on the back of a motorcycle, is still being sought by the police department. David警官 犯罪现场搜查官 以他的奉献和光荣服务著称 Officer David, a crime scene search officer, was known for his dedication and honorable service.