1 MDB向BSI银行索赔394万美元,指控在新加坡高等法院的1MDB丑闻收益中未经许可转移资金和洗钱。 1MDB's $394m claim against BSI Bank for alleged unauthorized fund transfers & money laundering in the 1MDB scandal proceeds in Singapore's High Court.
1MDB公司就涉嫌与1MDB丑闻有关的未经授权的资金转移和洗钱向BSI银行提出394万美元的索赔,在驳回BSI公司试图驳回这一索赔之后,允许新加坡高等法院继续审理。 1MDB's $394m claim against BSI Bank for alleged unauthorized fund transfers & money laundering related to the 1MDB scandal is allowed to proceed in Singapore's High Court, after dismissing BSI's attempt to strike out the claim. 1MDB案指控BSI和前银行工作人员协助转移资金,助长侵吞资产。 The 1MDB case accuses BSI and former bank staff of facilitating the transfers, contributing to misappropriated assets. 这一决定是在对新加坡的三名BSI前银行家定罪之后作出的。 This decision follows the conviction of three former BSI bankers in Singapore.