《微笑的男人:Famicom 侦探俱乐部》回归 30 周年,提供身临其境的视觉小说体验,中心之谜令人毛骨悚然。 30-year return of "The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club" offers an immersive visual novel experience with a chilling central mystery.
《The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club》在 30 年后重返经典系列,提供身临其境的视觉小说体验,拥有令人难忘的角色和令人毛骨悚然的中心谜团。 "The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club" returns to the classic series after 30 years, offering an immersive visual novel experience with memorable characters and a chilling central mystery. 游戏有12章, 结合经典和现代视觉新格式, 成功地让玩家上钩。 The game features 12 chapters, combining elements of classic and modern visual novel formats, and successfully keeps players hooked. 虽然有些方面可能需要比必要的时间更长或需要更清晰的行动,但细节的注意力和沉浸式的氛围使其成为该类型的杰出作品. Although some aspects may take longer than necessary or require clearer actions, the attention to detail and immersive atmosphere make it a standout entry in the genre. 游戏因其直观的游戏玩法,完整的日语配音和精心编写的神秘情节而受到赞誉. The game is praised for its intuitive gameplay, full Japanese-language voice acting, and well-written mystery plot.