35岁的Yuliya Hettler因在Hazleton市危害儿童而被捕,7岁的孩子在受毒品影响时被关禁闭。 35-year-old Yuliya Hettler arrested for child endangerment in Hazleton City, leaving 7-year-old locked out while under drug influence.
35岁的Yuliya Hettler在Hazleton市被捕,因为警察发现她7岁的孩子被锁在家中,而Heltler据称受到毒品的影响。 35-year-old Yuliya Hettler was arrested in Hazleton City after police found her 7-year-old child locked out of their home while Hettler was allegedly under the influence of drugs. 8月25日凌晨3时,警察对一份报告作出答复,发现孩子在Hettler的车里睡着,无法进入锁着的房屋。 Officers responded to a report at 3 a.m. on August 25 and found the child asleep in Hettler's car, unable to enter the locked house. Hettler被指控犯有鲁莽的危害和危害儿童罪,并被保释至Luzerne县教养所,保释金为10 000美元。 Hettler was charged with reckless endangerment and child endangerment and lodged in Luzerne County Correctional Facility with a $10,000 bail.