据汉密尔顿警方称,参与武装抢劫的3名嫌疑人利用约会应用程序在8月23日引诱受害者。 3 suspects involved in armed robberies using a dating app to lure victims on Aug 23, according to Hamilton police.
汉密尔顿警方在8月23日寻找三名涉嫌参与武装抢劫的嫌犯。 Hamilton police seek three suspects involved in armed robberies on Aug 23. 据称,他们利用一个约会应用程序在枪口下引诱和抢劫受害者,窃取电话,在一个事件中进行金融交易,在另一个事件中则在赌博场进行金融交易。 They allegedly used a dating app to lure and rob victims at gunpoint, stealing a phone to make a financial transaction in one incident and a gaming station in another. 据信,嫌疑犯是十几岁或二十几岁的男性。 The suspects are believed to be males in their late teens or early 20s. 监控录像已经发布, 任何有信息的人 被要求联系警方或犯罪制止者。 Surveillance footage has been released, and anyone with information is asked to contact the police or Crime Stoppers.