沙特阿拉伯的PIF从23家全球银行获得了150亿美元的循环信贷, Saudi Arabia's PIF secures a $15B revolving credit facility from 23 global banks for corporate purposes and diversified funding.
沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金从一个由23个金融机构组成的全球财团获得150亿美元的循环信贷,以取代2021年协定。 Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) obtains a $15 billion revolving credit facility from a global consortium of 23 financial institutions, replacing the 2021 agreement. 该信贷最初为期3年,可能延长2年,涉及来自欧洲、美国、中东和亚洲的银行。 The credit, with an initial 3-year term and potential 2-year extension, involves banks from Europe, US, Middle East, and Asia. 这些资金将用于公司目的,有助于使项目投资表的资金来源多样化,在沙特阿拉伯的经济转型中发挥关键作用。 The funds will be used for corporate purposes and help diversify PIF's funding sources, playing a key role in Saudi Arabia's economic transformation.