太平洋岛屿国家赞同澳大利亚的《太平洋警务计划》,其目的是限制中国的安全作用,建立一支区域反应部队。 Pacific Island nations endorsed Australia's Pacific Policing Plan aiming to limit China's security role and create a regional response force.
太平洋岛屿国家赞同澳大利亚旨在限制中国在该区域安全作用的《太平洋警务计划》。 Pacific Island nations have endorsed Australia's Pacific Policing Plan, aimed at limiting China's security role in the region. 该计划涉及建立最多四个区域警察培训中心,建立一支多国危机反应部队,并在自然灾害和其他紧急情况期间部署太平洋警察支助小组。 The plan involves the creation of up to four regional police training centers, establishing a multinational crisis reaction force, and deploying a Pacific Police Support Group during natural disasters and other emergencies. 该倡议旨在设立一个警察支助小组,在布里斯班设立一个警务发展与协调中心,并在自然灾害和其他紧急情况期间部署太平洋警察支助小组。 The initiative aims to create a police support group, a policing development and coordination hub in Brisbane, and deploy the Pacific Police Support Group during natural disasters and other emergencies. 虽然一些太平洋领导人对该计划被视为反中国表示关切,但他们强调,必须确保协议有利于接受协议的国家,符合其宗旨,而不是符合其伙伴的地缘政治利益。 While some Pacific leaders have expressed concerns about the plan being perceived as anti-China, they emphasize the importance of ensuring the agreement benefits the countries adopting it and fits their purposes rather than the geopolitical interests of their partners.