布里斯托尔机场计划扩大16号门的同时登机能力,等待北萨默塞特理事会批准。 Bristol Airport plans to expand Gate 16 capacity for simultaneous boarding, awaiting North Somerset Council approval.
布里斯托尔机场计划将16号门分为两个,增加一个楼梯和电梯,以便同时登机两架飞机,改善客户经验,并减少延误,因为其能力每年从1 000万旅客增加到1 200万乘客。 Bristol Airport plans to divide Gate 16 into two, adding a staircase and lift to accommodate simultaneous boarding of two flights, improving customer experience and reducing delays as its capacity expands from 10 million to 12 million passengers annually. 机场正等待北萨默塞特理事会的批准,该理事会先前因环境问题而拒绝批准规划,但因向规划检查局发出呼吁而被推翻。 The airport awaits approval from North Somerset Council, which previously denied planning permission due to environmental concerns but was overturned by an appeal to the planning inspectorate.