47 包括Ng Kin-wai在内的香港活动家因参加非正式投票和据称阴谋否决预算以满足2019年的抗议要求而面临国家安全审判。 47 Hong Kong activists, including Ng Kin-wai, face national security trial for participating in an unofficial poll and allegedly plotting to veto the budget to meet 2019 protest demands.
香港活动家Ng Kin-wai是因参加2020年立法会选举的非正式投票而被捕的47人之一,他在一次具有里程碑意义的国家安全审判中为他的行动辩护。 Hong Kong activist Ng Kin-wai, one of 47 arrested for participating in an unofficial poll for the 2020 legislative council election, defended his actions during a landmark national security trial. Ng对指称的颠覆行为没有忏悔,是被判有罪的被告之一,被判处3年到终身监禁不等的徒刑。 Ng, who admitted no remorse for alleged subversion, is one of the convicted defendants facing sentences ranging from 3 years to life. 他相信一个自由、平等和包容的社会,并且不知道否决预算,在他被捕之前是非法的。 He believes in a free, equal, and inclusive society and did not know vetoing the budget was illegal until his arrest. 被告威胁不分青红皂白地否决预算, 企图迫使政府满足2019年的抗议要求。 The defendants are accused of plotting to force the government to meet 2019 protest demands by threatening to indiscriminately veto the budget.