由于能源价格上涨,加拿大S&P/TSX综合指数在星期一达到历史最高水平。 Canada's S&P/TSX composite index reached an all-time high on Monday due to rising energy prices.
加拿大的主要股票指数S&P/TSX复合指数在星期一创下历史新高,因为能源价格带来收益。 Canada's main stock index, the S&P/TSX composite, hit an all-time high on Monday as energy prices contributed to a gain. 由于油价上涨3.5%,TSX的能源指数上升了1.6%。 The TSX's energy index rose 1.6% as oil prices increased by 3.5%. 价格暴涨的部分原因是中东冲突仍然不确定,以及利比亚正在关闭其油田的消息。 The price surge is partly due to ongoing uncertainty over the conflict in the Middle East and news that Libya is shutting down its oilfields. 本周,投资者将收到若干经济数据报告,包括消费者信心和个人消费与支出,以及加拿大大多数大银行的收入报告。 This week, investors will receive several economic data reports, including consumer confidence and personal consumption and expenditures, as well as earnings reports from most major Canadian banks.