加利福尼亚州考虑为无证移民提供高达150 000美元的州支持贷款方案,使其成为美国第一个向非公民提供财政援助的州。 California considers a state-supported loan program of up to $150,000 for undocumented immigrants, making it the first U.S. state to provide financial assistance to non-citizens.
加利福尼亚州立法者即将批准一个州支持的为无证移民提供高达150 000美元的家庭贷款方案,使加利福尼亚成为美国第一个向非公民提供此类财政援助的州。 California lawmakers are close to approving a state-supported home loan program of up to $150,000 for undocumented immigrants, making California the first state in the U.S. to provide such financial assistance to non-citizens. 民主赞助的“加州全民梦想”贷款计划提供20%的首期支付援助,由国家提供资金,资格要求包括首次购房者、至少第一代购房者,以及基于居住县的收入限额。 The Democratic-sponsored "California Dream for All" loan program offers 20% down payment assistance and is funded by the state, with eligibility requirements including first-time homebuyers, at least one first-generation homebuyer, and income limits based on the county of residence. 该法案的通过将是一项重大举措,因为国家重视移民和拜登行政当局的边界政策。 The bill's passage would be a significant move amid the national focus on immigration and the Biden administration's border policies. Gavin Newsom总督尚未公开表明他对该法案的立场,该法案如果在8月31日最后期限之前通过立法机构,将向无证移民提供资金。 California Governor Gavin Newsom has not publicly stated his position on the bill, which would provide funding to undocumented immigrants if it passes the legislature before the August 31 deadline.