23名旁遮普族乘客在巴基斯坦俾路支省被身份不明的枪手定点袭击中丧生。 23 Punjabi passengers killed in targeted attack by unidentified gunmen in Balochistan, Pakistan.
在巴基斯坦俾路支省,有23名乘客被抢走车辆,身份被检查后,在一次定点袭击中被枪手杀害。 23 passengers were killed in a targeted attack by gunmen in Balochistan, Pakistan, after they were taken from their vehicles and their identities checked. 这一事件发生在该省穆萨海勒地区。 This incident occurred in the Musakhail region of the province. 受害者被确定为旁遮普省乘客,袭击者尚未被捕。 The victims were identified as Punjabi passengers, and the attackers have not been apprehended yet.