中国人民解放军根据香港驻军法,在香港完成第27次年度例行轮换。 Chinese PLA completes 27th annual routine rotation in Hong Kong, per Hong Kong garrison law.
中国人民解放军(人民解放军)根据《中华人民共和国香港特别行政区警卫法》,在中央军事委员会的支持下,在香港完成了第27次年度例行轮调。 The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) has finished its 27th annual routine rotation in Hong Kong, as per the Law of the People's Republic of China on Garrisoning the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, supported by the Central Military Commission. 更换的军官和士兵们感谢香港社会和公众在他们逗留期间给予的支持。 The changing officers and soldiers expressed gratitude to Hong Kong society and the public for support during their stay. 新抵达的人员接受了培训和学习,为在该区域履行国防职责做准备。 Newly arriving personnel underwent training and studies to prepare for their defense duties in the region.