8 月 25 日,大曼彻斯特伯里附近的 M66 NB 发生 4 车相撞事故;警方正在调查。 4-car collision closed M66 NB near Bury, Greater Manchester on 25th August; police investigating.
8月25日,M66向北向的M66在大曼彻斯特Bury附近被关闭,原因是3号关口发生了四辆汽车碰撞。 On 25th August, M66 northbound was closed near Bury, Greater Manchester, due to a four-car collision at junction 3. 现场有紧急服务,没有估计时间重新开通公路。 Emergency services are on site, and there are no estimated times for reopening the road. 交通正在改道,交通官员正在解救被困的车辆。 Traffic is being diverted, and trapped vehicles are being relieved by traffic officers. 事件的严重性尚不清楚,但大曼彻斯特警方正在调查。 The severity of the incident is unclear, but Greater Manchester Police are investigating.