微软公司向阿联酋最大的AI公司G42投资1.5美元,用于全球AI的扩展和数据存取。 Microsoft invests $1.5bn in G42, UAE's top AI firm, for global AI expansion and data access.
微软已向阿联顶级人工智能公司G42投资15亿美元, 作为扩大其全球人工智能足迹的战略举措, Microsoft has invested $1.5bn in the UAE's top AI firm, G42, in a strategic move to expand its global AI footprint and gain access to vast amounts of data, the resources of the UAE's rulers, and a more lenient regulatory environment. 美国情报官员对通过42国集团伙伴关系向中国转让敏感美国技术和数据的可能性表示关切, This move has drawn criticism from US intelligence officials who express concern over the potential transfer of sensitive American technologies and data to China via G42's partnerships. 42国集团与微软公司的伙伴关系被视为巩固AI领导和加速AI创新的一种方式,计划在东非国家建立数据中心。 G42's partnership with Microsoft is seen as a way to consolidate AI leadership and accelerate AI innovation, with plans to build data centers in East African nations.