麦克马斯特的书揭示了特朗普不顾顾问的反对和俄罗斯的干涉,寻求与俄罗斯建立更紧密的联系。 McMaster's book reveals Trump sought closer ties with Russia, despite advisers' objections and Russian interference.
前国家安全顾问H.R. Former National Security Advisor H.R. 麦克马斯特在他的新书中声称,特朗普总统试图改善与俄罗斯的关系,并试图与弗拉基米尔·普京总统建立个人关系,尽管有顾问的反对和俄罗斯干涉美国民主的证据。 McMaster claims in his new book that President Trump sought to improve relations with Russia and build a personal rapport with President Vladimir Putin, despite objections from advisers and evidence of Russian interference in US democracy. 麦马斯特指出,普京利用特朗普的自我和不安全感来玩弄奉承,这导致了两者之间的分歧,最终导致麦克马斯特被解职。 McMaster states that Putin played on Trump's ego and insecurities with flattery, which led to disagreements between the two and ultimately resulted in McMaster's dismissal.